PrayDays Glossary
Glossary of words used in PrayDays, listed for each corresponding day, separated by three topics:
Give Thanks for:
Give Intercessions for:
Request Renewal of:
Give thanks for:
- Work: Labor or effort, especially as a means of earning money
- Learning: the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill
- Well-being: a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity
- Water: a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O
- Funds: a supply of money to be used for some purpose
- Healing: to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; free from ailment
- Service providers: Organization, business or individual which offers service to others in exchange for payment (from
- Options: choices, or the power or right to choose
- Movement: The ability to change position, posture or location
- Rest: sleep or freedom from activity or labor
- Second chances: an opportunity to try something again after failing one time
- Family: a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for
- Friends: a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard
- Role models: a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others
- Goals: That which one is trying to do or achieve
- Yesterday: The day before the present day
- Communication: The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior
- Transport: To move or carry items or people from one place to another
- Discovery: The act of seeing, getting knowledge of or finding out about something
- Change: To make different, to give a different course or direction, or to replace with another
- Time: The continuous passage of existence in which events pass from a state of potentiality in the future, through the present, to a state of finality in the past
- Healing: To restore to good health or soundness, to cure
- Support: To keep from weakening or failing; give confidence or comfort to
- Simple pleasures: Experiences that are brief, positive, emerge in everyday settings, and are accessible to most people at little or no cost (from Psychology Today)
- Solitude: The state or quality of being alone or remote from others
- Focus: Close or narrow attention; concentration; a condition in which something can be clearly apprehended or perceived
- Creativity: Characterized by originality or expressiveness; imaginative
- Solutions: Methods or processes of dealing with a problem
- Music: Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm
- Growth: Development from a simpler to a more complex stage
- Love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person; warm attachment, enthusiasm or devotion
Give Intercessions for:
- Children: An unborn or recently born person; a young person especially between infancy and youth
- Hopeless: Having no expectation of good or success
- Lonely: Being without company; cut off from others
- Single parents: Of or noting a family in which a parent brings up a child or children alone, without a partner
- Elderly: Of advanced age, old; of or relating to persons in later life
- Abused: To treat in a harmful, injurious or offensive way
- Abandoned: Left without needed protection, care, or support
- Victims of accidents/crashes: Someone who suffers from something that happens by chance or from unknown causes and that often causes injury or damage
- Victims of crises/disasters: Someone who suffers from something that happens suddenly and causes much suffering or loss
- Victims of violence: Someone who suffers from the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy
- Government leaders: People charged with the direction or control of an institution or society
- Relief workers: People who provide assistance because of poverty or need
- Associates/co-workers: Colleagues from work
- Those we come in contact with during the course of the day
- Foster children: Children raised by someone who is not its natural or adoptive parent
- Teachers: People who instructs, especially as a profession
- Students: People formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college
- Returning citizens: Those who are released from prison and attempt to assimilate back into society (from ACLU)
- Foster parents: a person who acts as parent and guardian for a child in place of the child's natural parents but without legally adopting the child
- Principals: People who are the heads of directors of schools
- Judges: Public officers authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law
- Refugees: People who flee, especially to another country, seeking refuge from war, political oppression, religious persecution, or a natural disaster
- Pilots: a person who is qualified and usually licensed to conduct a ship into and out of a port or in specified waters or to fly aircraft
- Unemployed: Those who have no job
- Bereaved: Those suffering the loss of a loved one
- Grieving: Those full of sorrow or distress
- Hopeful: People who aspire to success or who show promise of succeeding
- Mentors: Wise or trusted advisers or guides
- Janitors: Those who attend to the maintenance or cleaning of a building
- Farmers: People who cultivate land or crops or raises animals for food consumption
- Counselors: People who provide advice as a job
Ask Renewal of:
- Patience: An ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay; the capacity for calmly enduring pain or trying situations
- Understanding: A disposition to appreciate or share the feelings and thoughts of others; Characterized by or having good sense or compassion
- Generosity: Willingness and liberality in giving away one's money, or time
- Kindness: The practice of being sympathetic or helpful in nature
- Thoughtfulness: given to anticipation of the needs and wants of others
- Sincerity: Having honesty of mind and freedom from hypocrisy
- Self-Discipline: Correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement
- Courage: The power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear or pain; to nerve oneself to perform an action
- Empathy: The ability to identify with or understand the perspective, experiences, or motivations of another individual and to comprehend and share another individual's emotional state
- Faith: Confident or unquestioning belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing; strong or unshakeable belief in something, esp without proof or evidence
- Hope: To desire and consider possible; to have confidence, trust
- Peace of Mind: The absence of mental stress or anxiety; freedom from worry
- Integrity: Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character
- Mercy: Compassionate or kindly forbearance (abstaining from enforcing a right) shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence
- Moderation: Avoidance of extremes or excesses; keeping within reasonable or proper limits
- Self-Esteem: A realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself
- Persistence: A state of existing for a long time or longer than usual time
- Reliability: Suitable or fit to be relied on
- Respect: The state of being regarded with honor or esteem
- Selflessness: Having, exhibiting, or motivated by no concern for oneself
- Sensitivity: Aware of or careful about the attitudes,feelings, or circumstances of others:
- Trust: Firm belief in the integrity, ability,or character of a person or thing; confidence or reliance
- Wisdom: Knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; discernment, or insight
- Caring: Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others.
- Commitment: -The trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose
- Determination: The quality of being in firmness of purpose;
- Responsibility: Something that you should do because it is morally right or legally required
- Flexibility: Capable of being changed or adjusted to meet particular or varied needs
- Assertiveness: To be confident and direct in claiming one's rights or putting forward one's views
- Resilience: The ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like
- Humility: A modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank; a lack of false pride
Sources:,, and, unless otherwise noted: